Monday, June 13, 2011

Item 13: Robert - Rated XXX

Look at that. This was so retarded. I was playing football (REAL football, not that american bs). I was supposed to go swap my position with a sub. I ran into the latch on the door on the way out and gave myself that bruise. It was bleeding too. I had trouble walking for three days after this incident. It actually still hurts. I go running and I ran 4.5 miles two weeks ago and 5 miles last week. I didn't do it in that good of speed, but I didn't stop at all the entire run. I had cramps during the run and powered through them. Despite the smoking and the hip ... I can still run pretty decently. My hip "bubbles" every once in a while after I do something like that. It just goes into these spasms. I should probably get it checked out.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Yes you should get it checked out! Don't delay.

    So cigars lead to smoking?
