Sunday, March 6, 2011

TSO (Lobut Drops the Ball)

As promised, here is a picture of the nice little TSO packaged that arrived at the same time as your postcard.

You need to come back to Toronto right now so I have someone to get a culture fix with!

I'm seriously considering going by myself at this point...

(I'm still waiting to see a picture of that kilo of chocolate.)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weddings - Singles Dropping Like Flies

My friend got married a couple of weekends ago. Weddings are popping up one after another now. This translates to more money spent on clothes that I'll probably only wear once. It also translates to more people asking when I'll get married.

Did I tell you about the time that my cousin in China tried to set me up with someone because she's worried I'll never get married? I literally had culture shock in my own living room. Who does that these days???

Can you guess who the bride is?