Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Project 365 - Day ##


Yeah I have no idea what day I'm on now. But I will continue to post when I feel like it, haha.

This is a shirt a martial arts teacher from yoga gave me. He says it's a good luck t-shirt, he's cheering me on in my job hunt. I might need to take up some karate lessons from him just so the shirt's not lying when I wear it...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Transformers - Dark of the Moon

The youngest brother wanted to watch Transformers very badly and since Waige already watched it with his girlfriend it was my duty as a big sister to take him.

Being the kid that he is, he loved it. I didn't so much. This movie is a great example that quality will always be sacrificed if you have too much quantity. There was action...LOADS of it, but none that were especially intricate in the CG execution. And speaking of CG, LOADS of that as well. What else is there a lot of? Screaming. Every human being in that movie was running and screaming, standing and screaming, flailing their arms and screaming, sliding and screaming, (insert random action here) and screaming. I think you get the picture...

I gotta hand it to Michael Bay. He's got this thing figured out. Take a classic anime, turn it into a cash cow. Acquire more budget for the sequels and you can pay actors millions for not doing what they're supposed to do. BRILLIANT!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Project 365 - Day 45

Hair Cut

I finally went out and got a haircut. As much as I want to leave it long, I have very little hair so it's not very sustainable, or so says the stylist. I'll take her word for it I guess. I should make an effort to take care of my hair. The first comment I always hear from people when I walk into a salon is: "My, what dry ends you have! When was the last time you got a haircut???"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Up and coming

I will have more than enough posts that will be here.

I just came back from Prague and Barcelona. Not to mention enough stuff from my EuroTrip last year. Just wait.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Project 365 - Day 30

Day 30

I know, I know. I'm totally dropping the ball here. I'm kinda experiencing a dry spell...I don't really feel like standing in front of the camera these days. Not sure why.

I've decided to cut my hair today. The summer heat is getting to me and having long hair doesn't help. So here's a pic that documents what I looked like before the hair cut.

Doesn't my skin look smooth? Oh Adjustment Brush, how I love thee.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Item 14: 24 Hour Pub Crawl with ze Germans

The pub crawl! I didn't attend all the way. We're in front of the Princess Louise around Holbourn. I was only between 5 to 9. It went from 10am one day to 10am the next. They did bowling, karoake, and pub to kingdom come. Then a football game at another pub. Here are these two random Germans that had joined us in on the pub crawl. The guy on the left got SOO wasted. We were smoking outside and he brought his cigarette indoors. The barmaid flipped out. He tried to go in again. I physically pushed him and told him he couldn't go in. Then he asked me why he should listen him because I'm fucking Chinese.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Item 13: Robert - Rated XXX

Look at that. This was so retarded. I was playing football (REAL football, not that american bs). I was supposed to go swap my position with a sub. I ran into the latch on the door on the way out and gave myself that bruise. It was bleeding too. I had trouble walking for three days after this incident. It actually still hurts. I go running and I ran 4.5 miles two weeks ago and 5 miles last week. I didn't do it in that good of speed, but I didn't stop at all the entire run. I had cramps during the run and powered through them. Despite the smoking and the hip ... I can still run pretty decently. My hip "bubbles" every once in a while after I do something like that. It just goes into these spasms. I should probably get it checked out.