Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Project 365 - Day ##
Yeah I have no idea what day I'm on now. But I will continue to post when I feel like it, haha.
This is a shirt a martial arts teacher from yoga gave me. He says it's a good luck t-shirt, he's cheering me on in my job hunt. I might need to take up some karate lessons from him just so the shirt's not lying when I wear it...
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Transformers - Dark of the Moon
The youngest brother wanted to watch Transformers very badly and since Waige already watched it with his girlfriend it was my duty as a big sister to take him.
Being the kid that he is, he loved it. I didn't so much. This movie is a great example that quality will always be sacrificed if you have too much quantity. There was action...LOADS of it, but none that were especially intricate in the CG execution. And speaking of CG, LOADS of that as well. What else is there a lot of? Screaming. Every human being in that movie was running and screaming, standing and screaming, flailing their arms and screaming, sliding and screaming, (insert random action here) and screaming. I think you get the picture...
I gotta hand it to Michael Bay. He's got this thing figured out. Take a classic anime, turn it into a cash cow. Acquire more budget for the sequels and you can pay actors millions for not doing what they're supposed to do. BRILLIANT!
Being the kid that he is, he loved it. I didn't so much. This movie is a great example that quality will always be sacrificed if you have too much quantity. There was action...LOADS of it, but none that were especially intricate in the CG execution. And speaking of CG, LOADS of that as well. What else is there a lot of? Screaming. Every human being in that movie was running and screaming, standing and screaming, flailing their arms and screaming, sliding and screaming, (insert random action here) and screaming. I think you get the picture...
I gotta hand it to Michael Bay. He's got this thing figured out. Take a classic anime, turn it into a cash cow. Acquire more budget for the sequels and you can pay actors millions for not doing what they're supposed to do. BRILLIANT!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Project 365 - Day 45
I finally went out and got a haircut. As much as I want to leave it long, I have very little hair so it's not very sustainable, or so says the stylist. I'll take her word for it I guess. I should make an effort to take care of my hair. The first comment I always hear from people when I walk into a salon is: "My, what dry ends you have! When was the last time you got a haircut???"
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Up and coming
I will have more than enough posts that will be here.
I just came back from Prague and Barcelona. Not to mention enough stuff from my EuroTrip last year. Just wait.
I just came back from Prague and Barcelona. Not to mention enough stuff from my EuroTrip last year. Just wait.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Project 365 - Day 30
I know, I know. I'm totally dropping the ball here. I'm kinda experiencing a dry spell...I don't really feel like standing in front of the camera these days. Not sure why.
I've decided to cut my hair today. The summer heat is getting to me and having long hair doesn't help. So here's a pic that documents what I looked like before the hair cut.
Doesn't my skin look smooth? Oh Adjustment Brush, how I love thee.
I've decided to cut my hair today. The summer heat is getting to me and having long hair doesn't help. So here's a pic that documents what I looked like before the hair cut.
Doesn't my skin look smooth? Oh Adjustment Brush, how I love thee.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Item 14: 24 Hour Pub Crawl with ze Germans

Monday, June 13, 2011
Item 13: Robert - Rated XXX

Saturday, June 11, 2011
Item 12: Three Kings

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Item 10: Eurovision Drinks
My hair is supposed to be red. Instead it turned orange so it matches my shirt quite well. Anyways, here with my good friends Orkun and Andre. We're outside having a smoke while they're judging a load of countries I've never heard about. This goes until 8am and we end up at Nihalf's place playing Tekken while five people are dogpiling his bed in the other room.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Item 9: 2 Bros with Different Mos
Also he's visited me a lot more than any of my other "friends"!!
Yeah, we're at Brixton right now at the O2 Academy checking out the Pryda concert. It's was quite an experience.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Project 365 - Day 17
After managing to clean up the floor a bit the sun was shining brightly through my opened window. Since there was light readily available I thought I'd experiment with light. This was the shot that best fit what I had in mind.
Item 8: Slovenian Love
Anyways we just came back from the west end. This is the bus ride home and they're all pretty much all saying goodbye to London now. This is their long bus ride home.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Project 365 - Day 16
Aside from feeling narcissistic, taking pictures of myself taught me many things about myself and about general photo taking.
One of the things that I've learn is that no matter what I'm doing (thinking, concentrating, etc) if I furrow my brow and stare at something my face looks confused! There were many a time in the workplace where I'm staring at my screen thinking hard about something and a coworker would come by and ask why I'm confused. I understand now!
Even though I've been enlightened, I'm not going to do anything about it! :P
One of the things that I've learn is that no matter what I'm doing (thinking, concentrating, etc) if I furrow my brow and stare at something my face looks confused! There were many a time in the workplace where I'm staring at my screen thinking hard about something and a coworker would come by and ask why I'm confused. I understand now!
Even though I've been enlightened, I'm not going to do anything about it! :P
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Item 7: Anime Expo!
I have a picture of a companion with PedoBear. I'm not going to post that in public space though. :P
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Project 365 - Day 14
Monday, May 30, 2011
Item 6: Last Zurich Picture for Now
Project 365 - Day 13
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Project 365 - Day 12

And after the pretty pose, I decided to jump. I missed those days of jumping on the bed, but it just doesn't feel the same anymore. I don't get as much air time as I used to. I can think of a few explanations for this:
- I'm not as light as I used to be
- They just don't make mattresses as bouncy as they used to
- My muscles are deteriorating and so I can't exert as much force aka. aging!
- A combination of all the above
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Project 365 - Day 11
Friday, May 27, 2011
Item 5: Chess
Project 365 - Day 10
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Project 365 - Day 9
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Item 4: Christmas
Project 365 - Day 8

Today's photo features the Galileo Thermometer I bought last year. I haven't found a place to put the thing yet so it's just been hidden away in its box in a corner. The glass bulbs with the colourful liquid makes it look very pretty. Since Galileo is pretty old I thought using a preset to make the photo look "aged" was quite appropriate. In my head I thought only my eye would be reflected but clearly I didn't pay much attention in high school physics during the reflection chapter. Nonetheless, I think it turned out alright.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Project 365 - Day 7

Very normal shot today. I usually like to take pictures of my cousin Logan but thought I'd take a picture WITH her today. So I had her help me set up the tripod and this was the result.

The munchkin is very talented, this is the result of her second shot. I think she should start a 365 of her own! She kept coming up to me saying "one more time" after I took the remote from her.
Project 365 - Day 6 (The Eye)

The Eye. My right eye to be exact. I think I might try to take pictures of each feature on my face and build a collage. I'll probably come out looking like a monster...LOL.
Inspiration for this came from my 2 year old cousin who has a lot of potential for photography. I see great things in her future. She picked it up very quickly, she was pointing and pressing while saying "cheese" in a matter of seconds.

Monday, May 23, 2011
Item 3: Swiss Deux, Monkey Bar!

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Project 365 - Day 5

Those socks seemed like a good idea at the time I bought them. It has individual sockets for each toe. It feels horrible!
Project 365 - Day 4

I used some spot healing in Lightroom for post-processing today. There was a plastic cup lying on the ground so I had to take it out because it was grabbing all the attention.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Item 2: Swiss Hotel

Friday, May 20, 2011
Project 365 - Day 3

It's quite a boring image, I know. My fingers look fat...
Anyways, I used the cropping tool for this picture today. I'm hoping I'll be able to take something a bit more "Vogue" in the near future.
It's only been 3 days and I'm already getting tired of how boring my pictures are... Do you feel the same?
Item 1: Banksy Exhibit

Here we are at the Banksy Exhibit. I say Banksy Exhibit but it's just random graffiti from so many people. It's sponsored by Asahi beer and there was so much free beer! There were a few interesting pieces. I took a few other photos. These most likely aren't originals and are probably prints.
The two people in there are my friends Dil and Taylor. We go through the entire art gallery talking about each painting. It was fun just arguing and reinterpreting each piece.
This was inbetween two activities yesterday. The first one was drinks at the Princess Louise. The last one was finding where they were shooting a scene for the Dark Knight Returns. In any case, fun!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Project 365 - Day 2

Yes I know. I'm late in posting this but better late than never. I actually took this picture when I woke up this morning, I just didn't get around to playing with it until now.
This was the shot I wanted to take yesterday before I realized that the battery bled dry. This is what usually happens in the mornings, I usually go back to sleep after doing this...
I decided on black and white because my blinds are orange and it gave the coloured version this weird orange tinge. I am not powerful enough to give it that morning glow in Photoshop yet so black and white is my short cut out of this one.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Project 365 - Day 1

Today's the start of my self portrait project. 365 photos in 365 days. Because I don't know all the techniques and such, I've decided on a very simple snapshot. Plain and simple, no post-processing.
I've discovered that I don't like looking at pictures of myself at all, looks weird, feels weird, and I can only focus on all the bad things.
After looking at a total of 71 photos today of nothing but my face, here's what I learned about myself.
- I think my eyes are my best features, I actually like them
- My face is not symmetrical, my right side looks better! Something I need to keep in mind for future photos
Sunday, March 6, 2011
TSO (Lobut Drops the Ball)
As promised, here is a picture of the nice little TSO packaged that arrived at the same time as your postcard.
You need to come back to Toronto right now so I have someone to get a culture fix with!
I'm seriously considering going by myself at this point...
(I'm still waiting to see a picture of that kilo of chocolate.)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Weddings - Singles Dropping Like Flies
My friend got married a couple of weekends ago. Weddings are popping up one after another now. This translates to more money spent on clothes that I'll probably only wear once. It also translates to more people asking when I'll get married.
Did I tell you about the time that my cousin in China tried to set me up with someone because she's worried I'll never get married? I literally had culture shock in my own living room. Who does that these days???
Can you guess who the bride is?
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